In seiner Amtsstube, die er mit eigener Hand sauberhielt, waren die sorgsam geordenten Papyrusrollen in hölzernen Truhen und Tonkrügen verwahrt oder lagen, in Leder gehüllt, auf Wandbrettern - Christian Jacq, Die Herrin von Abu Simbel

Here I group all the books that I use for my research.
History of Egyptian Architecture A.B. Three parts
The churches and monasteries of Egypt and some neighbouring countries by Abu Salih, al-Armani
The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt by Butler, Alfred J. (Alfred Joshua), 1850-1936
Coptic art and archaeology : the art of the Christian Egyptians from the late antique to the Middle Ages by Badawy, Alexander
Koenigsberger, Die Konstruktion der Ӓgyptischen Tur. Brunner, “Die Rolle von Tür und Tor im Alten Ägypten”. On the Threshold of the House of Eternity: Door Leaves and Tomb Doors Koenigsberger, Die Konstruktion der Ӓgyptischen Tur, 16–17;
Clarke and Engelbach, Ancient Egyptian Construction and Architecture, 162
Cairo; sketches of its history, monuments, and social life by Lane-Poole, Stanley, 1854-1931
Drawings from ancient Egypt by Peck, William H., 1932-
Egyptian Wall Paintings: The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection of Facsimiles byWilkinson, Charles K., with a catalogue compiled by Marsha Hill
The art and architecture of ancient Egypt by Smith, William Stevenson
Traditional Ways of Dealing with Climate in Egypt, Mady A. A. Mohamed, Zagazig Department of Architecture, Zagzizig University, Egypt.
1890- Illahun, Kahun and Gurob, Petrie
1897- Ein Kapital zur Geschichte des Pflanzenornaments, Ludwig Borchardt. 1924- G. Jrquier Manuel d'archeologie egyptiene I, Les elements de l'architecture 1930- S. Clarke - R. Engelbach, Ancient Egyptian Masonry
1938- B. Smith Egyptian Architecture as cultural expression
1938- W. FI. Petrie, Egyptian Architecture.
1939- Uvo Hölscher, The excavation of Medinet Habu Vol II
1958- Baltimore, The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt W. S. Smith
1975- London, K. Lange and M. Hirmer, Egypt
1897- Ein Kapital zur Geschichte des Pflanzenornaments, Ludwig Borchardt.
Histoire de l'ordre lotiforme: étude d'archélogie égyptienne
A People's History of the World From the Stone Age to the New Millennium By Chris Harman
Easton, D. 1996. The rammed earth house. White River Junction, Chelsea Green Publishing Company.
1986-Fathy, H., W. Shearer, and A. Sultan, . Natural energy and vernacular architecture: principles and examples with
reference to hot arid climates, Chicago: Published for the United Nations University by the University of Chicago Press
Dedi answers that '' he does not know the number but that there is a box of flint in a room in Heliopolis, called (The room of) Revision; in that box (The information will be found) A. H. Gardiner - The secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth
A. H. Gardiner - The secret chambers of the sancturay of Thoth
1950 - H. Rick - Bemerkungen zur ägyptischen Baukunst des Alten Reichs Cairo
1932 - Leipzig, Herbert Ricke - Der Grundriss des Amarna-Wohnhauses
(1951) La première architecture en Égypte Vol 51: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte by Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte
Vol 54, Fasc 1: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte (1956) by Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte
I surrounded the house of Onouris with a wall, built with 20 [Courses] in the ground foundations, and a height of 30 cubits; having ramps, [towers], and battlements on its every side. Its doorposts and lintels were of Stone of Ayan, bearing doors of cedar mounted with copper J.H.Breasted, Ancient Records of Egypt 1,2,3,4